
Winter Is Finally Coming

I love the fact that recently the temperatures around here have been so warm you haven't even needed a jacket. In fact, my son was in shorts the other day. Usually you wouldn't be dressing like that in late November. Today the high was in the 70's with a strong wind. It was just beautiful today!

Well its time for a change because we are now in a Winter Storm Watch. Its amazing how quickly a good thing can diminish!!! They are expecting snow and ice over the next 36 hours which really makes me cringe. As much as I love looking at the stuff, driving in it and shoveling it is a completely different story. Thank GOD for my SUV!!! It gets around so good so I am not worried about driving but that doesn't make it any better.

If this were happening on the weekend, I would be fine because then I would have no reason what-so-ever to leave my house and even venture out in the stuff. But considering I do have to go to work during the week while all of this is going on, I have no choice. ***sigh*** Oh how I would prefer to just stay locked indoors under the sheets watching good movies!!! You know I would occasionally venture out just to slide down the hill in front of my house because that is just too much fun, even if it means breaking my ankle again. But NOPE!!! Gotta work!

The only good thing about ice storms is how beautiful everything is but that's all. Everything sparkles when coated with a nice sheet of ice. Its like diamonds! Sometimes its so bright its blinding. But when you lose your power because the tree branches are too heavy to take the weight and it snaps your power lines, life becomes no fun at all. And we are due for a major ice storm this year considering its been quite awhile since we have had one. I have noticed they usually happen about every 3 years so its definitely time.

I found this a few years ago. Its called the Ice Storm Diet.


Muffin (or the portion of the muffin) which hasn't yet begun to mold
Cereal with milk (slightly sour if kept inside,completely frozen if kept outside)
Any fruit that hasn't started to smell funny
Tea or coffee which takes half an hour to make on the woodstove but hey, it's sort of hot.
Toast burned in the woodstove, and marmalade (if you are courageous enough to ignore the warning: "keep refrigerated after opening...")


Any of the above listed for breakfast.
Sandwiches made from anything in a can (you might have to fight the cat for it)

Scrambled eggs (see time required for tea/coffee)
Bacon from the neighbour's freezer (test it on the cat first )
Forfar cheese. Not the cottage cheese though - that went the way of the milk.


Any of the above
Canned soup, canned meatballs, canned spaghetti. ...etc - just rip the label off, plop it on the woodstove and wait...and wait...and wait... stir once in a while...
Cooked meat from your outdoor freezer (aka the snow on the deck) wrap it in foil and stick it in the fire - really gets that "smoked" flavour
Canned veggies, canned fruit etc.
Salad made from those dubious veggies stored in the coldest room in the house
Spam!!! Be sure to sing the appropriate Monty Python tune.

So Winter.... It appears you have decided to make your appearance after all and it seems you are coming with a vengeance!!! Welcome anyway!!! But please be kind :)

Michael, are you sure you are ready for all of this???


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Yep, I'm ready for it because I have braved the conditions before and who better to do it with than you. That diet rocks...

Sirdar said...

Does winter stay with you all winter or do you just get storms and then it melts away? We've had snow for about a month now and it is hovering around -30°C tonight.

Chalice said...

Baby, Im so glad your ready because I can't wait for you to get here :)

Sirdar, well your right, winter does disappear once in a while around here. Then its not so pretty because everything is muddy. Hovering around -30???? And I always bitched about it being 10???? WOW!!!

Sirdar said...

Our -30°C is the same as your -22°F.

Your +10°F is the same as our -12°C.

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Damn thats cold....!!!! I can handle anything.