
A Pity Party You Say???

Okay I am having one of those days and I hate it. Actually I should not even say its one of those days because my day has not been bad in the slightest....but all of a sudden, well within the last hour, I feel invisible.

I can't explain it. I know its just me but that's the way I feel.

I feel boring...

I feel unimportant...

I feel like I am no fun what-so-ever...

I feel like I could just walk out the door and no one would even fucking notice.....

I feel like a wallflower...

It's funny because I know its only me because no one else is making me feel this way but I still cannot help myself.

But what makes it even worse is the thought of asking anyone to make me feel better because I feel like its something I should be doing on my own. I mean who am I? What makes me so special that I should feel the need to find someone to make me feel better about myself? I know I need to drag myself out of this hole but right now I am not succeeding.

No one makes me feel this way but for whatever reason I just do.

And when I even begin to think that I want to try and talk about it I feel like I am about to cry.

Now don't anyone go and think that Blu isn't doing his part because he is. He always does. Whenever he thinks there is something wrong with me he lets me know because he pays attention...

But tonight I just cannot communicate for whatever reason. I can't spit the words out because they just won't come. It's like they are lodged in the back of my throat and no matter how hard I try they just won't budge. And then whatever I say comes out wrong and is taken the wrong way so then I feel like I should just shut the fuck up... Because I don't want to bring anyone down...

Does anyone else ever feel like this or is it just me???

I think I am just over hormonal... I blame myself and no one else... Sorry guys I know that word hormonal just eats at you but its the truth. I think most of us women are like this sometimes.

I am apparently having my own little pity party but I forgot to send out invitations...

I am playing the worlds smallest violin without an audience to enjoy it with me... Not that anyone would even enjoy the songs I would be playing but whatever right???

So forgive me everyone.. I needed to vent... How sad is this? I vented and it meant nothing.

Do I feel better? Hell no.. I still feel like running down the street screaming my head off and tearing out my hair...

I guess it just sucks. Here it is Saturday night and I feel like doing anything other than what I am doing right now. I hate sitting in this house. I wouldn't care if I were just outside staring at the sky... it would be better than this but then again... its fucking cold so I would bitch about that... So go figure..

I need a night out..

I need to get away badly...

Is that bad?

Is it selfish??

Is it wrong???


By the way.. My head is pounding...


Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

Oh, Chal, you know I love you :) You're just suffering from the fuckin' winter blues. It's ass. Did you use those 2 movie tickets? You have NO excuse not to go to a movie. There are no limits. Just take Blu and get out of the house. Or you can go out with me :) Just say the word, biatch. Well, and then I'll ask MrNV and see if I'm allowed to leave the house :) AHAHA! You can come and watch Monkey open even MOOORE presents Sunday night. Or do more naked live webcam. That always cheers Blu up.. you should try it!

Cheer up C. I'll call you and bitch you out tomorrow!

Scarlett said...

Oh girl I think we all feel that way sometimes. I know I do...just remember there are those of us who care even though we have never met you and those who know and LOVE you, you are not invisible and not a wall flower. You are YOU and believe me...that's all you will ever need to be!

Bardouble29 said...

Girl, you and I two peas in a pod...Seriously, I think we share the same brain sometimes.

You are more than normal. You are woman.

We are hormonal, emotional, depressed, lonely...even when things are just fine.

And its more than ok, to ask for a little extra attention, or a hug.

Quickly our heart and souls are healed and soothed and we are back on our way to being our normal, happy selves!

Chalice said...

NV...I'm glad you said something about the movie tickets because I actually forgot about them. Not intentional but you know I never go to the movies so I just didn't think about it. Next weekend I will make it a point to use them because I seriously need to get out of the house. Thank you NV... You know I love you too...

Scarlett...Thank you for that. It sucks when you feel that way and even though you know other people do too, its still very lonely. It makes you feel a tad bit on the selfish side and then you feel worse...agggghhhhhh...Vicious circle. Sometimes I just don't like me very much but I am working on it. I promise... **hugs**

BD...It's so funny to hear you say that because I think I said that to you once, about us sharing a brain. You and I ARE very much alike and you know what? That makes me feel better. Thanks for everything you said. It made me smile and I needed that right now.

You know what? I have the best blog friends... :)

Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

OK, fine, NOW you share a brain with HER? I thought we already shared a brain? I guess you just don't find my OLD brain any fun anymore. ...sigh... She's just soooo much cooler than I am.

Monkey says: Don't worry, I'll let you come over and play my PSP. Ummmm. My mom and you can go and see a movie. There's this new movie coming out and it's called Dead Silence. (fool is looking at some preview picture on NBC on T's computer).

Now he's dancing around the room cuz he thinks he's funny. I got NEWS for you, his momma will NOT be going to see THAT movie.

Aunt Jackie said...

Wow... was the Moom affecting us all this weekend? Maybe I don't feel so alone in my Cabin Feverish, feeling down and out weekend either... Not to share in the misery, but I guess it wasn't just me.

Chalice, maybe we'll have a better go this week!! I sure hope so... Hang in there and we'll make it through! Don't forget to remember how terrific you are, and be good to yourself!

Sirdar said...

Oh God...not the hormone thing. I am so glad I am male and don't have to go through it.

This will pass and you will be back to your old self soon enough. Snuggle up to Blu...he will make you feel special.

Aunt Jackie said...

Missing you Chalice!! :)

Sending you a big hug!

Jason said...

If you really want to know if someone would miss you or not. Try missing a car payment. ;-)

I hope you feel better soon.

Bardouble29 said...

I miss you! Hurry back to blogland!

Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

Chal, if you don't post soon I am going to come to your house and burn it down! Well, or kick your dog.

Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

OH! Or I'll post your phone number so that everyone can call you personally and find out how you are :) AHAHAH! And you don't want Dawg calling you, he pants a lot.