
The Blah's

I am sooooo tired today! You would think after actually going to bed fairly early (1:30 am...yes that is actually early considering I work nights) that I might actually be a little more alert today. But Alas.. I am not!

My head is all stuffed up today and I hate that. I blame Michael. I know he brought home diseases from UPS!

Poor guy was so sick yesterday. I felt so bad. I babied him as much as I possibly could but he still feels like death warmed over. He can't breathe because his head is all clogged up. His throat is itchy and scratchy. He has the chills and his whole body hurts.

So today I wake up with a stuffy head and now I am coughing a little bit and my throat is sore!!!


It's hard to talk on the phone all day long begging people for their money when you don't really feel like talking at all.... ***sigh*** What can ya do right?

Alright, Hero's came back on last night and I have to admit, I really like that show. I never watched it at all until Michael got me into it. I think I could use a good dose of some powers right now. I think invisibility would serve me well along with the ability to self heal. Ahhh to hell with it, I may as well say I want them all.

Tonight is American Idol night! Now everyone say it with me... Hip Hip Hurray!!! SANJAYA IS GONE!!! Took long enough! I guess last night he had a guest spot on Letterman doing the top ten list. I missed it which sucks because Michael and I are die hard Letterman fans and we watch the show religiously....but here it is...

Am I the only one who thinks this kid smiles just like Eddie and Charlie Murphy? Hmmmm??? Well he has had way more than his 20 minutes of fame and now its time to move on.... So Adios Sanjaya...

Funny Cartoon I love.. Reminds me a little bit of Sanjaya...

Have a most Terrific Day Everyone!


Aunt Jackie said...

LOL! Well yes, we all knew that kid couldn't make it through all the way to Idol, eh? It was a crazy ride though.

I've been tired lately too... I don't know what it is. I hate feeling that way.

Go away BLAHS!!!

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Yes, I'm sorry if i got you sick too. I am guilty...Hmmmmm? Maybe, I'll baby you next time...

I can't believe we missed that letterman, I guess it is because we were so exhausted and went to bed early. 1:30am IS really early...!!!

later baby...

Sirdar said...

Blu is sick again? Tell him to quit smoking :-)

Dan said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! And watch out for those UPS guys. You don't know where their hands have been! :)

Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

He's not funny enough to be a Murphy :) But yeah, he does have that cheezy grin. But a stupid look on his face.. not an 'I'm up to no good' look :)

New post. You're boring me and I will trade you in!

Chalice said...

AJ.. yeah the blahs are no fun! And they should go away and never come back but they always do. I need to better prepare myself!

Blu, you should be sorry! And you should baby me damn it! So when are you gonna start huh?? **snicker**

Sirdar, I think I will let you tell him that one :)

Dan, I know exactly where his hands have been! Now get your mind out of the gutter :)

NV, I am so glad he is gone! Now its no longer a farce!