
I WANT..... And I LOVE.....

I was sitting around yesterday looking at my bedroom and it just looks so plain. You see since moving I really don't have much on my walls and believe it or not I use to really not care about that stuff. Maybe I should rephrase that a bit, I didn't care too much about items hanging on my bedroom walls but the rest of the house I always had things up.

Anyway, my bed is black metal and I love it sooooo much. It's dark and pretty all at the same time. Well my mother had bought me these 2 small wrought iron Candelabra's and I am going to hang them in the room but they are rather small so yesterday I started thinking about how wonderful the internet is and how I could probably find something I would really love to hang right over my bed...

So now I am in love.... OH My GOD!!! There are only 2 things I would do differently and that is there would be more black in these items and secondly, they would actually hold tealight candles instead of lights. Oh yeah, there is one more thing.. I would NOT make them $450!!!! YIKES!!! I guess I need to put my skills I actually learned from taking a year of shop class to work (yes I actually took shop class and even made things out of wrought iron.....I know...Surprising right???)

Now I do realize that by posting this stuff my total girly side is coming out. Wait! Or is it my age.... UGHHHHHH......

Anyway, Michael thinks he is now going to go broke from me wanting stuff like this... Geez, what a whiner! *snicker*

Regardless, those are fucking awesome :)

Now I was at BarDouble's Blog and she listed a few things she loves so I thought I would just take a second to list a few things I just love to pieces...

  • Sitting near the ocean or lake at night when the moon is out and reflecting off the water.
  • Walking in the rain with my face upwards smiling.
  • The smell of clean clothes when they come out of the dryer.
  • The sound of thunder crashing during a storm.
  • Singing loudly to one of my favorite love songs while driving in my car.
  • Being hugged up on the couch next to Michael while watching a movie.
  • The way 600 thread count sheets feel when you first put them on the bed after coming out of the dryer. SOOOOO SOFT!
  • The way Michael looks at me every single day.
  • Drifting off in a good book.
  • My son's laughter.
  • The changing leaves during Autumn.
  • MY Life :)
And what is it that you love...???


Chase said...

hey CHAL!

LOVELY post. Me thinks I am also going to post things I love. As for your first one...spott on!




Sirdar said...

Hope those "things" make your bedroom a better place. I guess Blu just doesn't cut it? :-)))))