
Finally Popped My Cherry

For years I always prided myself on having one thing that pretty much everyone in family didn't have. Wait, let me rephrase that, all of my family and all of my friends... **slackers** And that my friends is a perfectly, squeaky clean driving record.....


Wednesday was the day from hell people. And I am not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that either. Murphy's Law was in full effect!!! So much so that I almost looked up ole' Murphy, went to his house and kicked the ever-lovin' shit out of him. Bastard!!!

Wednesday was called "Let's throw shit at Chalice Day and see exactly how she takes it!"

Well I took it well thank you.

But the one thing about Wednesday that stood out above everything else was this.... I got my first ticket from the police EVER!!! Can you believe it? 37 years old and I get my first ticket.

Now it's my own fault I got this ticket and it was because the tags on my car are expired. Yes I am actually admitting to this. It shouldn't be that way but none-the-less it is. So Michael and I are coming back from doing a few errands and we are pulling into my apartment complex and a cop passes us. I look in my rearview mirror to see him immediately turn around. Michael says, "Hurry up and go park!"

So I get to the parking spot and just as we got out of the car they stop behind me and yell through the speaker "GET BACK IN YOUR VEHICLE!"

Fuckers scared the shit out of me with this. I kept waiting for guns to be drawn because in this little town I live in they are known for just whipping them out for whatever reason but thankfully they didn't.

The cop came to my window and says, "I pulled you over because you are driving on expired tags and there is just no excuse for that!"

I thought. "Duh! Okay thanks dad!" But I politely handed him my license and so did Michael and he went back to his car. He came back and wrote me a ticket for the tags but as he was writing it up I tried to tell him what a good girl I normally was and that I had never had a ticket. I thought about crying since my day had already sucked to high heaven but I didn't! Damn it I just did not want that fucking ticket! I even thought about jumping out of the car and bowing at his feet just so I could stay unflawed but I knew my efforts would be futile!!!

I then enlightened him as to how much he scared the crap out of me with his "Get Back In The Vehicle!" thing. He actually chuckled a bit and said sorry but since he didn't know me from anyone else he had to stay safe.... **SIGH**

I am such a bad girl!!!

Now I gotta something else to pay... I love life but it's my own fault! I hate cars sometimes...


none said...

Being pulled over gives me the sickest feeling in my gut.

I've had a handful of tickets in my 37 years..A few warnings too.

I hate getting lectured by cops.

Hope things go better!

doctor chip said...

I hate cops.


if the tags weren't expired for very long, go to court and plead not guilty, that you were going to get them as soon as you could.
update the tags before you go.

if you've been driving for 21 years without a ticket, my best guess would be that the Judge throws it out.

if he doesn't, you can have him killed later.




Chalice said...

Hammer... I now know that sick feeling in the gut. And to think I actually went 37 years without one :)

DC... I have a plan. The problem is I live in a little village where they make it a point to hassle people even though I grew up here. The cops are jerks. We will see though...

Scarlett said...

I too have a perfect driving record (knock on wood) : ) Seems like he could have cut you some slack seeing you've NEVER been in trouble on the road...ugh!

Sorry your day was so rough...hope everything looks up for you soon.

Take Care Chalice....

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

I knew it would happen sooner or later bc everyone gets it eventually....Sorry dear, but, I just knew it would happen eventually....Oh well though because it all happens for a reason doesn't it...?????

Later dear....!!!!!!

Jason said...

Here in TX, if you get a ticket for expired tags and you update them within 10 days the courts will dismiss it. I don't know if you have that kind of deal there.

That's how I did it (minus the speaker) on the streets. I would see a tag, pull around and stop them. If it didn't lead to something bigger, then just write the ticket and move on.

Chase said...


Damn C!

Sounds quite hectic!

I usually switch to a French and deny any fact of being able to speak English.

I would love a pair of Diplomatic Number plates though...

Deech said...

Welcome to the world of moving violations. Yeah, they probably couldn't find you in their SCMODS computers.

SCMODS - From the movie "Blues Brothers" State, County, Municipal, Offender, Data, System!

The Lone Beader® said...

I'm sorry to hear about your ticket. That sux...

Aunt Jackie said...

Dude that sucks!! I've had a few in my time, but sometimes you just get fed up! I know they have a hard time being "safe" out there, but they don't have to give you a coronary... (sigh).

Sorry to hear it... J