
Uh Oh.. Tagged By AJ!

Tagged Tagged Tagged - Apparently, I am IT! Thanks to Aunt Jackie that is :)

Now there are rules to this little tagging session and they are as follows:

  • I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.

  • Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

  • People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.

  • At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

  • Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

  1. Some people do not realize that I actually have webbed toes. On each of my feet, the two toes next to my big toe are webbed together.

  2. There are certain shows that I will watch over and over again even if I have seen all of the episodes. Those would be Seinfeld and Family Guy. There are also a few movies that I watch everytime I see they are on like "An Affair to Remember" and "Rebecca".

  3. If I could spend my life doing a career of my choice, I would be a writer.

  4. My sisters dubbed me the 'Song Goddess' at a young age because of the way I dance around like a fool and sing when a song I really love comes on. It's my music teachers fault because they always chose me to do the damn solo's and believe it or not, I hated it!

  5. I love to have my back scratched so hard until it damn near bleeds. I know it sounds strange but it's the truth. And I love that burning feeling that always follows when its all done...AHHHHH!!!

  6. I hate it when my foods touch on my plate. Drives me batty beyond belief!

  7. I have OCD's. I have to each things like Skittles and M&M's in a "color-pleasing" order. I cannot go to sleep without checking my alarm several times and it usually starts a couple of hours before bed. I will sneak into my bedroom (so Michael doesn't notice) and will check it without anyone seeing. There are a few others but I will keep those to myself.

  8. I consider 7 and 13 my lucky numbers. In fact, I love Friday the 13th. It's always been one of my lucky days.

Now for the people who I shall be tagging........... Hmmmmmm.........

Blu... Because he has too and because he loves me and I know he will give in and do it!

NaughtyVoyeur... Cuz she is my best friend and I know how much she loves doing this stuff!

Sirdar... Cuz he is a rather interesting fellow and I want to hear some quirky little details about him!

Scarlett... Cuz she is one Cool Chica!

BarDouble... Cuz I swear this girl is like my twin sometimes! We think too much alike :)

Jason, oh Yes Mr. Cigar's Coffee and Donuts! You are being tagged!

And Birdman33... Only because he makes me laugh everytime I read his blog.

So there you go bitches... You all have been tagged! **snicker**


Bardouble29 said...

Ok girl! Give me a day or two and I shall comply!!!

Aunt Jackie said...

YAY!! Good Answer! Good Answer! (Family Feud) LOL. Hope you didn't mind the Meme... Zig is the one who tagged me. Enjoyed reading it, & you're nearly the only one who fulfilled theirs... so far.

Bardouble29 said...

Hey girl, your questions are posted on my blog!