
The Not-So-Great Con

I think it has been fairly well established by my recent posts that I was not the most innocent of teenager girls. Of course I am referring to my rambunctious nature and all of the evil deeds I did.

I went through a time during high school where I really didn't give a rats ass about grades or even attending school for that matter. That was pretty much my junior year.

On days when I didn't feel like going I would call the school, pretend to be my mother and take the day off. It always worked out fairly good because my parents at that point both worked during the day so they never knew.

I was always surprised that they never found out but never-the-less grateful too.

Now I mentioned that not only did I hate attending school but I didn't really do the work either.

Grades were something my parents always felt were important. In fact, it was just expected that my sisters and myself get good grades. I didn't have the type of parents who would reward for good grades and that was because they felt it was our job. They were expected to go to work and we were expected to perform in school. No if's, an's or but's.

Well the year I chose to defy the parents and not do my school work was a fun one indeed.

I skipped school frequently with my friends. We would hang out at different houses pretty much partying all day long or head to the lake and party there. It didn't really matter where we went as long as we were all together, living it up and having fun.

When it hit the end of the first quarter of school that year I started to realize that I was in fact failing several classes and that sent me into a bit of a panic.

How in the hell was I going to cover this shit up? They would know for sure I have been screwing around once the report card home.

I had no idea how I was going to dig myself out of this hole I had created for myself.

When I had this epiphany I had about 2 weeks before the report cards were expected to come out. Thank God a little breathing room!

During this 2 weeks I tried to come up with everything possible but nothing sound plausible.

I could claim I was abducted by aliens and there was body double who filled in for me and it was their fault I got shit grades.

Maybe the dog that we didn't have ate every single piece of school work I did since the beginning of that year.

Wait, I could claim all of the teachers came together in an elaborate conspiracy to make me fail all because they were terribly afraid of my brilliance. Surely that would work!

Ah Fuck...

None of that was going to work and I knew it.

That is when my very good friend Eric stepped in. I had mentioned to him my problem and he said he had the perfect solution.

Eric began to tell me of his close workings with the teachers. He was a teachers assistant for many of the same teachers we had. He helped grade papers and lots of other little tasks. But most importantly, well for the good of my plight, he had access to blank report cards.


I would be able to live and breath after report card day!!!

I wouldn't be dying a horribly painful death at the hands of my parents.


The next day Eric approached me with a set of report cards. I was elated!!! Not only would they be good for this quarter but they would actually be good for the entire school year!

You see the way the cards were set up was like this. You had one set for each class and each set consisted of 4 report cards, each a different color to represent each quarter. They were all carbon copied so the previous quarters grade would appear on each new one.

The day Eric gave them to me was a great day! I immediately went home and began my Great Con.

I was meticulous. I took my time. They had to be perfect!

I made sure not to give myself grades that would be unrealistic. A couple of A's. A couple of B's and a C here and there but nothing below that.

In some of the comment sections I even wrote things like "A pleasure to have in Class!" and "Looking forward to another quarter". You know, all of that crap teachers write on report cards because they cannot say how they truly feel such as "You know, she is a real pain in the ass and you should really consider kicking her ass from time to time."

It took me a few hours to really perfect the report cards because each and every single one of them had the teachers signature on them. Now you may be wondering how I pulled this part of my scheme off but it was actually quite easy. I had several items from school which had each of my teachers signatures on them already so I pretty much just copied their signature but only after practicing how they signed their name.

Finally I was done!

I sat back and surveyed the masterpieces I had. I was pleased! They turned out even better than I had hoped they would.

This was sure to work!

Report card day presented itself about a week later and I was prepared. I got up that day and went to school armed with my fake documents. As each class passed and each teacher handed out their cards, I shredded them almost immediately and shoved them into my binder.

At the end of the day, I went to the trash dumpster at the back of the school and threw out all of my shredded incriminating evidence and headed home.

When I got there I handed my mother my fake report cards and waited. She looked through them and then told me what a good job I had done and that was it.


No one would ever know that I actually had C's and D's! Okay there was one F but that was in Algebra II and I hate math more than anything else in the world damn it!

From this point on, the rest of my junior year was a breeze! As each quarter came and went, I went through the same ritual I did at the beginning of the year.

All was great!

I was living the high life! I was partying it up with no concern about anything at all!

Until the end of the year that is....

That is when the world came crashing down around me....

I failed to understand that the very last report card was not given to us by the teachers but they were mailed. Of course I absolutely thought I would be able to get the mail before my parents, but I was wrong. Unfortunately, my staying out late with my friends caused me to lose track of time and I over slept. My mother got the mail before I even knew what had happened!

Seeing the look on my mothers face still haunts my mind to this day. My mother lost her mind that day. My father, who is usually a fairly calm man, lost his shit too.

My days of fun were now over. I lost my phone. My television was gone. My friends were now only a memory until the beginning of the next school year because my summer vacation was no longer that.


And that is how the Greatest Con in the World came crashing down at my feet!

I was such a bad girl. I think I say that every time I post something like this.... Oh well! I lived and I learned. I chose the hard route....


MrRyanO said...

I like the cut of your jib, Kid! (What ever that means!) To even try to pull that off takes big...BIG...ummmm...satchels!

Isn't it funny how we always thought that our crazy plans were rock solid! Damn the United States Postal Service for ruining your summer!

Steven said...


Plus...Oh man...this reminds me of a story.... :)


Chalice said...

RockDog... Hey I was livin' large that year! And I don't think I would trade it for the world. Remember, I might have been cut off during my summer vacation, but I still had access to the world via that back door in my bedroom.. **snicker** So it wasn't all that bad!

Novak... Just the thought of anything I say giving you ideas or even reminding you of something almost creeps me out. Okay, Im lying. You better post it on your blog and say something along the lines of The Great Chalice reminded me of this... Im serious! I want credit damn it!

The Lone Beader® said...


Gorilla Bananas said...

Yes, you were naughty. Let me know if you want me to give you a spanking. It's never too late to atone for your sins.

MrRyanO said...

Yeah, let's hear it for back door bedroom action! Hmmmm...that came out all wrong...

Chalice said...

LB.. It is pretty funny isn't it? I was such a shit while growing up :) Thank God I am older and wiser..

GB.. A spanking eh? Can't say I wouldn't mind such a thing but I just don't know if I could handle a gorilla doing the job. I have seen the damage they do to other things so I would be very fearful for my life :) But I think I know someone who could assist me in this situation..

RockinDoggie.. Get your mind out of the damn gutter for once! Forget it, I like you better that way.. :)

MrRyanO said...


Bardouble29 said...

My senior year, I was living on my own and my guardian wrote me a note saying so. So from there on I was able to write my own notes excusing myself from class and no one challenged me... It made for a great Senior year.

Not-So-Naughty Voyeur said...

Man, good thing I didn't know you back then. Well, although I'm like 50 year older. But still!

Chase said...



Live Evil

You rock!


Chalice said...

BarDouble.. Now that is the ultimate excuse! Being able to get away with damn near anything all because you live on your own. Damn Im jealous!

NV.. Hard to believe that this angelic girl was so bad huh?? **grin** Dont go actin' like you didn't know deep down inside!

VJ.. I was more evil than I could even begin to tell you..

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Okay, you are quite intelligent. I will give you that. Not quite as intelligent as me *wicked grin* but still perty damn smart...

You could have pulled it off but you got to comfortable. They always said in spy training that you should never get comfortable. And they were right weren't they...?

At any rate, your failure on this con could have been a beacon for your future goodness that we all know so well, hmmmm? Makes me go back too.

Chalice said...

Blu.. Its funny how we sit next to each other typing this stuff and never knows what each other says until we actually go and read it....

Look 143... We both know who has the upper hand in the intelligence department. **smart ass** You are so luck I love you...

That lil' scam was merely a learning experience. And yes, it did help with this angelic status I currently retain. Every day my halo gets bigger!!! You should know that !

The Lone Beader® said...

Hey Chalice!! Just wanted you to know I mentioned you in my blog today=:)

Chalice said...

I have been mentioned!!! :)

Sirdar said...

Its not whether you made a bad decision...its whether you learned from your bad guess is...probably not. You are still probably bad...but in a good way now :-)

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

143 my ASS!!! Ya' see, we both took an IQ TEST the other day and we both scored much lower than in the past. Age is a killer...

Alicia said...

I called my highschool and pretended to be my mother...
It turns out that the attendance secretary also worked for my mother part time.