
Update on Blu

Well another day is gone and another day he is still in the hospital. As it turns out he has a pretty bad staph infection so they are pumping him up on all sorts of stuff to try and get rid of it all.

For those of you unfamiliar with diabetes, when someone with this disease gets an infection, it takes them 5 times as long for there body to rid itself of it and that usually requires help such as medication.

Michael is still in a lot of pain but he is going to be fine. I know he is sick and tired of being stuck in the hospital and that I understand. It's uncomfortable. You have no privacy and it tends to be loud. Every time he tries to sleep in walks someone to poke and prod at him. It sucks and its no fun.

The pain killers they are giving him only work so much and that bothers me because I can just see how badly he hurts. If I could take it all away, I would do it without a second thought...

I have stayed with him as late as I can each night to keep him company as he is incredibly bored. I look in his eyes and I just see and feel the frustration and it breaks my heart.

He has only been here a month and is in the hospital. How is that for a Welcome To Kansas City for you???

He is looking forward to coming home soon... Hopefully this weekend but it just depends on how well his body responds to the medication. I am missing him around here like crazy. Now that he is here with me every second he is gone just eats at me.

Now I am off to bed. I am exhausted :)

Take care everyone and have a good night!


Sirdar said...

Glad to hear he is on the mend. Hope he gets out of the hospital sooner than later. Hope you are doing well too.

Say HI to him for me and give him my best. Ah shucks....give him a big wet kiss for me....cause I won't be doing it :-)

MrRyanO said...

Good to hear that he is getting better. Wish him a speedy recovery! Tell him we said HELLO!

Bardouble29 said...

Glad to hear he is on the mend...we will continue to keep you in our thoughts...

The Lone Beader® said...

OMG!!! I hope Blu gets better soon=:(

MrRyanO said...

Chalice, any updates? Hope this weekend was better. I miss his wise ass comments...he needs to get his ass healthy and back home!

Scarlett said...
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Scarlett said...

Glad to hear that Blu's back and going to be okay. How are YOU now? I know how wearing it can be under the stress of a sick loved one. I hope you're doing well and am happy that Blu is better now.

Take care Chalice,