
An Evil Menace

Once upon a time in a little town in Missouri, there was a sweet little doggie and his name was Loco. Loco was so cute with his soft black fur sprinkled with a few dashes of white. Just setting your eyes upon this sweet creature will make your heart melt.

Loco got his name because he is very much like having a crazy and very much deranged squirrel being set free in your home. His hyperactive behavior doesn't always sit will with his owner but she loves him just the same. She should have known something was amiss when Loco came home and she found out he was part Schipperke and Keeshond because those breeds of dog are known for their off the wall and crazy behavior.

Most of the time Loco was quite the good dog but there were many times when he seemed to lose his mind. He would get this crazy look in his eyes and his owner could just tell he was plotting and scheming something. It was during those times that he destroyed many items in his patient owners home.

Last year the destruction was almost unfathomable. He ate everything he could get his little paws and teeth upon. The list is a long a tedious one indeed and includes everything from shoes to Christmas presents and occasionally the cat. He also loves knocking over the Christmas Tree completely so his owner has something to do. He is so thoughtful in that way. Always wanting to make sure his loving owner has plenty to keep herself occupied.

This year Loco has out done himself. So far he has eaten a few Christmas Tree ornaments during this festive time. Loco always wants to make sure he does his part to make the holiday season a cheery one by adding his own personal touches.

Only time will tell what Loco will eat over the upcoming week but whatever it is, I am sure it will send his owner to the edge of insanity :)

The End...

***I would like to make it known he actually has not eaten my cat but he does like to torture the poor little guy!!! I'm surprised my cat even has any hair left....

Now with that being said, here are some pictures of my menacing but oh-so-cute animal and my son :) As you can see Loco has been dressed appropriately for Christmas with his sweet red velvet bow....


tr said...

Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year..

Aww, loco is so cute and so is your son who by the way looks like you..

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Loco is a cute dog, but looks ca be deceiving...C looks so innocent as well and I know thats a balderdash...

HA! In a week, I'll be home to tighten up the reins....


Poor Magic Kitty

Chalice said...

Wicked, Happy Holidays to you too! And for the best wishes... I hope you have a spectacular holiday as well! My son swears he doesn't look a thing like me but there is no denying he came from me.

Baby..Can you believe its only 1 week and you will be here??? I feel like Im dreaming a lil' bit. And your right 'C' is far from innocent. Yes he's a good kid but far from innocent :) I will let Majik Kitty know you send him some condolences. He will appreciate knowing someone cares :)

MrRyanO said...

Cute dog, Chalice! I swear I saw those eyes turn red for an instant...