
Nothing But Mindless Babble

I really have nothing of importance to say today so this will probably be mindless babble. But what is so wrong with mindless babble? Other than some people may not want to read it is there really anything wrong with it, right?

I still feel like shit. I have been taking some drugs off and on today to kill the damn fever I have been battling since yesterday. It's made me a little giddy at times, well in between bouts of wanting to just pass out, that is.

I really hated missing another day of work since it means less pay for each day I miss. What to do?? What to do?? I am in some serious pain (which is part of the reason I have been taking the drugs) so going to work today would not have been a good thing. Needless to say, I wouldn't have been very productive. But when I think about it, I really wonder if they even would have noticed. Probably not. I have one of those jobs where if you look busy they pretty much assume you are busy. They still don't pay me enough to go in and pretend so I chose to stay close to my bed with all its nicely soft sheets and blankets and my overly comfortable pillows :)

I did talk to the dr's office and they are raising their eyebrows a little bit after I told them everything that is going on with me. So they are now putting me on even more medication. I hate medicine. During a conversation with my favorite person in the world today we decided it would probably be a good idea to take out some stock from one of these companies. Why not? Why not get some of the money I am putting in their pockets back? I think its a truly spectacular idea :) I can almost smell the money now....

I am so tired. Why? I haven't done a damn thing in the past 6 days so why am I so tired? They say you can be more tired from doing nothing than if you really busted your ass and I am beginning to believe it. I know.... I know.... Blah Blah Blah... Whine to someone else right???

I think I have watched about every single episode of Animal Planet's "The Most Extreme" they have ever made. Now that is a quality show. You learn so many things from shows like this. Did you know the Tasmanian Devil gives birth to about 50 babies at a time??? I love babies but I would lose my mind... But here is the kicker, only 4 of those will survive because the others will starve to death. Nice parenting skills! Not to mention that those 4 will try to kill each other off as mom just settles back and watches the death matches unfold. That is until she tires of it and leaves.


Okay I am about babbled out. My mind is not wanting to process anything else today so I think I will cooperate with it and just give in. Why fight it? It doesn't feel like thinking so why try and force it? I would hate to piss it off and have it go on strike or something. Some how I don't think that would be good.


Sirdar said...

Sounds like the drugs are kicking in :-) Enjoy!!

Chalice said...

That's funny.. I suppose they are working a bit. :) Thanks for checking on me!