
A Long Long Long Day

What a long ass day this was!!! After taking a visit to the local vampires (LabOne for blood work), my sister and I had planned to do just a couple of things and call it a day. Well my mother called and the next thing I know we are running all over the city shopping.

Now my sisters and my mother all LOVE to shop! I, however, did not inherit the shopping gene from my mom and Thank GOD because I would been more broke than I already am and living in some cardboard box underneath a bridge.

I hate to shop so much that I avoid going to any sort of mall or stores all together if humanly possible. So being out today among the crowds was indeed torturous. It's amazing how many people are so rude during this time of year too. And I just don't understand it. It makes no sense. Seriously, what's the point?????

I did manage to get some shopping for my son done today so that made me feel just a little bit better. The nice thing about my son is that he never really asks for much. But at the same time, it makes him a little hard to shop for. Even though I know all of the things he really loves and wants its still a little difficult. Only because he is always one to insist that I do not spend money on him. He is such a good kid, kind and always considerate of others. I couldn't ask for a better son. I know I have raised him right.

So now that this long ass overly exhausting day is over, I feel like I am about to collapse. As a matter of fact, I think I am going to make myself a drink. Hell I may just make a couple of drinks tonight. Its been awhile......


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

I'll make a toast to that...!!! What are ya' drinkin'? Martini's...Hmmmmmm? Sounds Good...

Champagne will give you a headache in the morning if you don't chase it down with some water before you crash...Just lookin' out for ya' baby...


Chalice said...

You are always looking out for me. Thank God cuz someone needs to..

Sirdar said...

My wife hates shopping too. However, she still manages to spend lots when she does. I just finished a dark rum and coke. I feel so much better now...hope you feel better too after yours.