
Ouch Ouch Ouch

Don't you just love the pain scale? I am thinkin' the last face needs to have it's mouth open screaming to really qualify for a 10 because off and on the last few hours that is exactly what it has been. I sucks when you cannot even cough because it hurts so bad. Sneezing is torture and just getting up and walking is a chore in itself.

A lot of times I will say when I don't feel right that it's like I have been run over by a truck. Then there is the occasional time when I say not only did I get run over by the truck but then it was slammed in reverse and backed right back over me. But off and on since I got home, its more like the truck hit me, backed up, hit me again but stayed on top of me spinning it's wheels as fast as it can and then repeated by whole process over and over until it ran out of gas. And since it ran out of gas, its still parked on top of me........ughhhhh... I'm okay at the moment because my Vicodin pills have kicked in pretty good. (Okay if I have to use the pain scale, I would say its a 6 right now.) I hate using this stuff but considering how I have been feeling, I'm not even giving it a second thought when I am slamming them down my throat.

The surgery of mine went well. My Doc went in and did everything he needed to do and even found a few things more than he anticipated finding. The funny thing is he took pictures while he was using the scope and I am supposed to get a set of them at my next visit so this should be interesting. Nothing like seeing your insides in full color.

I didn't really want to disclose the details of why I had surgery so I will just say "female stuff" and that should cover it. I will also say that I have little cysts and tumors galore that will not be removed at this time. My doctor wants to try some different things before resorting to that so we will see. I am up for anything as long as the situation gets under control and I can function normally again. I have felt so bad off and on for the last few months that I am just about willing to consent to anything to make it all stop. Notice I said just about anything. There are a few things I want to avoid but if it comes down to me having no choice in the end, well then so be it. I just want to make sure everything has been tried before I step back into an operating room for some major surgery.

Right now I am exhausted. I keep going to sleep for a couple of hours and then waking up because of being completely uncomfortable. And these Vicodin pills are inducing so really crazy dreams. It almost seems like the entire time I am sleep I am dreaming which is making me a little insane. I would love to have some nice, restful deep sleep without my mind working overtime. I would stop taking the pills but I need to get this pain under control first. I know its going to get better but it will be a few days.

I think I am going to make another attempt at getting that sleep now. I need it so bad.

Take care everyone and have a good day...


rel said...

Beautiful Minde,
I'm sorry to hear that you're maxin' out the pain scale. The vicodin,rest,and time ,as you say, will keep you moving toward recovery.
Glad to hear you suvuved the anesthesia! Scary stuff!
rel, CRNA

Sirdar said...

Glad to hear that the surgery went well...well as good as surgery can get. I had my appendix out in August so I understand the pain part for the first while. But they only did the scope thing and I didn't have any "men" issues removed :-)

Hope the recovery is short. Glad to have you back so soon.

PS: Ask for Percocet or its generic equivalent Endocet. Nortriptolene works too. I had those for some other pain issues a couple of years ago.

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Some removed and some added, hmmmmm? Feel better baby...