
Sneakin' Out Part 2 - Thieves In The Night

After my little post about sneakin' out, I have done much thinking about all of the different unruly things I did during my teenage years. I was seriously a bad girl. There is no other way to put it. But no one every really knew how bad I was. I mean come on.. Look at my angelic face???

How could you ever think that I would do anything bad??? Granted I have devils horns holding up my halo but who's counting???

Now I am deviating from my whole reason for this post. Seeing as how my most recent post was about one of my sneakin' out escapades I thought I would follow it up with another one.

During one of my little late night disappearances a friend of mine and I decided to go and visit a friend. She lived up the street from me, so she happened to be one of the people I usually ended up hanging out with whenever I did venture from my house during the wee hours of the morning.

Instead of calling her she, let me refer to her as Jane. Kinda like Jane Doe. I really don't want to use her real name here. Not that she will ever see it but still. Just being a little cautious. Don't want to give away every single piece of information...

Jane was the only one of us with a driver's license. I was only 15 at the time and she had turned 16 just a few months prior.

On this particular night we really didn't know what exactly to do. We had no plans but it didn't matter. We were hell bent on doing something!!! Oh yeah! It was definitely going to happen.

When I get to her house and sneak in the window we both kind of sat there, staring at each other, deciding what to do and where to go. It was no easy task seeing as though we didn't have a way to get anywhere except by walking. And considering most of our friends lived several miles away, we just didn't see that as an option.

After throwing around a couple of lousy idea's, Jane finally says, "You know what? We are going to take my mom's car!"

At first I was really taken back by this statement. I mean what would happen if her parents got up in the middle of the night and noticed the car was gone and then looked in her room and saw she was gone??? Would they have called the police or what???

However, after tossing the idea around in my head for all of 2 minutes and listening to her say, "Ahhh c'mon it'll be fun! We can go anywhere we want!", I caved. Yep I gave in.

We were going to be thieves in the night! How cool is this? It's like living in a movie! We could do ANYTHING we wanted to do!

In a way the whole idea was pretty cool. Well at least it seemed that way at the time...

Jane left her bedroom really quietly and came back a couple of minutes later with her mom's car keys in hand. At this point we both crawled back out her bedroom window and made our way to the car.

Jane's mom's car was a piece of work. Yes, I am being sarcastic. It was an old white station wagon and I LOATHE station wagons. However, it was a means for us to roam the city so who really cares right?

Jane unlocks the car and we both get in, closing the doors as quietly as possible so we don't wake her parents up. She looks back at the house when she starts the car hoping no one is looking out a window or standing at the door.

WHEW!!! The coast was clear!

Jane eased the car out of the driveway and we were gone!

My house was only 8 houses away but we had to pass it in order to get out of our neighborhood. That is when I ducked in the seat just in case my mother had gotten up. If she happened to look out the window I sure as hell didn't want her to see us passing by. Actually, I didn't duck in the seat, I crawled in the damn floor until Jane gave the "Coast is Clear" signal.

We ended up at one of our friends houses. To be specific it was my boyfriends house at the time. His parents were gone for a week out of town so we figured why not. He had a few friends over so it seemed like fun.

I am not going to go into details but I will say I was a GOOD girl while I was there. I have no lurid details for you so sorry about that. We basically sat around shooting the shit for a couple of hours until we decided we had better go before we get caught.

Now this is where the story gets a little interesting. When we got back to her house, Jane turned the lights to the car off so we wouldn't give ourselves away.

The car was originally backed in so she had to make sure to put it back in the exact place it was. She pulled up in front of the house a little ahead of the driveway and put the car in reverse.

"Hey would you mind getting out and standing behind the car and guide me in?"

Well of course I wouldn't mind! I hopped out and was using my hands to wave her back into the spot. Jane was doing awesome! Splendid at backing up considering she only had her license for a couple of months! Spectacular Job!!!

About the time she was in the spot something went awry. Jane accidentally hits the gas instead of the break sending the car ramming at almost full speed into a tree right next to the driveway.


All you could hear was a loud crash and then screeching tires....

Jane had a moment of panic and peeled out of the driveway like bullet being shot from a gun and left me standing there looking completely dumbfounded! I know my jaw was on the ground and my eyes were as big as saucers because I couldn't believe she left me standing there!!!

Apparently she wasn't in that much of a panic because as she drove away like a mad woman she remembered to turn the head lights back on. So all I see are the tail lights of the car disappearing before me heading down the street.

All I could do was stand there a second. I couldn't move. I was in complete disbelief. What had been a great night had immediately turned into a nightmare.

I remember turning and looking at her house. I truly expected to see her father standing there but luckily for me, he wasn't. And its a good thing too because her dad was SCARY!!! He was one of those guys who put up with NO nonsense at all. None.. Nada...

Finally something gave and I was able to move. I just remember running as fast as I could out of her driveway and down the street in the direction Jane had went.

Can you believe she drove over 2 blocks to a church parking lot?

When I got there she was just sitting in the car, staring at the steering wheel with a look of "I am so dead!" written all over her face.

I got in and sat next to her. She said she was sorry for leaving me and asked if her parents woke up after that loud crash. I told her I didn't see them but I couldn't be for sure. We sat there for a few minutes trying to hatch a master plan but we couldn't come up with anything. Our brains were mush. It was futile. We were fucked and there is nothing else to it.

Jane finally decided to head back to the house and try it again. She had said she was going to back it in again and pretend like the whole thing didn't happen.

So here we go again. But this time she backed the car in perfectly.

We got out and walked around the back of the car to see if it was damaged and if so how bad.

Yep. The bumper was completely smashed in and there was little twigs sticking out of it covered in tiny green leaves. When you looked at the tree she hit, you could clearly see where bark had been ripped off leaving a huge gash in it. We picked out every twig we saw and wiped off any traces of the tree bark and just hoped no one would ever put two and two together.

I really thought Jane was going to cry but she didn't.

At that point she just said she was going to go in and go to bed and she would see me in the morning.

You see, at that time, Jane's mom was taking us to school every morning. Not good when you were just aiding and abetting someone stealing a car for your own personal fun.

I felt like a felon. I went home, crawled into bed and never went to sleep.

The next morning, Jane and her mom pulled up to my house as they usually did and we made the journey to school. Both Jane and I couldn't talk. There was just nothing we could say. Her mother never once mentioned the car. It was a good thing at that moment.

Later on that day when Jane got home, her mother apparently asked her about the car. Her mom noticed the bumper when she was on her way to the car when she was leaving the grocery store that afternoon.

Jane played dumb and nothing was ever said. They just got the car fixed and that was the end of it.

I admit, I do feel a little guilty. Sometimes I wish I had said something but considering Jane kept quiet, I wasn't about to turn her in. I couldn't bring myself to do it.....

Oh boy... So how angelic am I now???


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

I know you don't feel guilty about any of it, because you are a bad bad bad girl...

And your Halo isn't missing it is in the bottom of the river with all the bodies I am just sure of it...

Bad girl...

Sirdar said...

You are eeeeevil!! Just look at that picture. It is a black and white picture...but your left eye is Blu :-)

You are way badder than I was. I was a good boy. Of course living out in the country limited your options for doing anything bad. Oh well...I'll get over it :-)

Chalice said...

Whether or not I was bad isn't up for question here!!! I admit it!! I WAS BAD!!! Now notice I used the word WAS in that statement.

I am such a good girl now!!! Not only do I have a halo but Im now growing angel wings :)

Blu... You think you are pretty funny don't you? Bottom of the river with all of the bodies huh? Damn you are in so much trouble when you get here...

Sirdar.. I know! I know! I was pretty bad but I grew up and became quite the responsible adult. Being bad is a good thing every once in a while. Or so I have been told anyway... Now I can think of plenty of things to do in the country to feed my wild side. I think I could have gotten into much trouble living out there...

MrRyanO said...

Sneaking out, stealing and wrecking a car...BAD.

Being at a boys house, in the middle of the night, with NO parents and nothing happens...hell, that's damn near sainthood!

Did you change the layout of the blog again or are my eyes playing tricks on me???

Steven said...

Who wants an angel anyway?

Bad girls are so much mroe interesting.

TO both of the male brains. ;)


Jason said...

Bad girl! Wasn't that a Donna Summer song? You're lucky. My brother dented our dad's car and tried to hide it. It took about two days for him to notice and he didn't let it go. It didn't take him long to find out from us what had happened. I'm surprised that lady was able to let it go. I also have to add, the image of your friend backing into the tree trying to be quiet;

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! That's funny!

Chalice said...

Rockdog.. HA! HA!! You're right! I should be a saint by now. Where do I apply for sainthood membership anyway? I think I could get in with no problems at all!!! YEAH RIGHT! And yes, the layout has changed a little bit again.. Whatcha think???

Mr. Novak.. Well Well, nice to see you at my little humble abode once again :) And you are right, we Bad Girls are way more fun! At least that's what I have been told. What am I talking about?? I am so much fun! Ask anyone :)

Jason.. Yep that was a Donna Summer song. Wow!!! Here I am making this little blog confession and I do believe you are an officer of the law. Im just saying it now, I didn't thieve nuthin'!!! She did it all. I was peer-pressured! **giggles** And yes, I think about it all now and the sound of the car backing into the tree is pretty funny... Can't lie about that one..

MrRyanO said...

I dig the new's very easy on the eyes...that's like something my grandmother would have said...but I think it means that it kicks ass!

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

She is a bad girl!!! I'll let her believe she is good though...

Easy on the eyes is surely a kick-ass thing RockDog...

That's exactly what I said...